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I am a senior research scientist at RISE Research institutes of Sweden heading The Deep Learning Research Group - Working on Foundational and Applied Machine Learning for the Earth. I have a PhD from Chalmers University of Technology, and I am the organizer of RISE Learning Machines Seminars.

In my research, I develop and investigate machine learning based solutions to problems related to the environment and climate change. This includes stream flow forecasting, soundscape analysis for biodiversity monitoring, and AI for circular business models.

Read more about me, or about my research group.

Recent publications

Also, visit my Scholar page.

J. Martinsson, O. Mogren, M. Sandsten, T. Virtanen, From Weak to Strong Sound Event Labels using Adaptive Change-Point Detection and Active Learning, European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO

M. Willbo, A. Pirinen, J. Martinsson, E. Listo Zec, O. Mogren, M. Nilsson, Impacts of Color and Texture Distortions on Earth Observation Data in Deep Learning, 2nd Machine Learning for Remote Sensing Workshop at ICLR, ML4RS

E. Listo Zec, J. Östman, O. Mogren, D. Gillblad, Efficient Node Selection in Private Personalized Decentralized Learning, Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference, NLDL

M. Toftås, E. Klefbom, E. Listo Zec, M. Willbo, O. Mogren, Concept-aware clustering for decentralized deep learning under temporal shift, Federated Learning and Analytics in Practice: Algorithms, Systems, Applications, and Opportunities workshop at ICML, FL-ICML

A. Pirinen, O. Mogren, M. Västerdal, Fully Convolutional Networks for Dense Water Flow Intensity Prediction in Swedish Catchment Areas, 35th Annual Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society SAIS, SAIS

X. Lan, J. Taghia, F. Moradi, M. Ali Khoshkholghi, E. Listo Zec, O. Mogren, T. Mahmoodi, A. Johnsson, Federated learning for performance prediction in multi-operator environments, ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, ITUJ

E. Ekblom, E. Listo Zec, O. Mogren, EFFGAN: Ensembles of fine-tuned federated GANs, IEEE International Conference on Big Data, IEEE Big Data

J. Martinsson, M. Willbo, A. Pirinen, O. Mogren, M. Sandsten, Few-shot bioacoustic event detection using a prototypical network ensemble with adaptive embedding functions, Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events, DCASE

J. Martinsson, M. Runefors, H. Frantzich, D. Glebe, M. McNamee, O. Mogren, A Novel Method for Smart Fire Detection Using Acoustic Measurements and Machine Learning: Proof of Concept, Journal of Fire Technology, Fire Technol.

View list of publications.

Recent talks in selection

Tutorial at EUREF 2023: AI for the environment, EUREF Symposium 2023, Chalmers University of Technology,

AI for environment at RISE, AI for climate and environmental research workshop, Lund University,

AI for chemistry and process industry, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences,

Olof Mogren, PhD.